Children's Ministry

Jesus says, "Let the little ones come to me, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."

Making space in our lives to worship with the children is a practice that welcomes Christ's presence and kingdom into our lives. We are more than mere babysitters - we are fellow worshippers with them! Children teach us how to imagine and wonder again. We go into our time with them knowing that we will learn from them as much as they are learning from us.

Children's Classes

The following classes are available during our worship service. 
All children are picked up from their classrooms by their parents after the sermon and prayers of the people.

  • Children's Worship

    Children's Worship (4-9 years old): Begins in the main sanctuary with everyone until after the Scripture readings. A worship leader will dismiss them at the appropriate time by saying: "Children, the Lord be with you as you worship." And the children will respond: And also with you.

    Using curriculum from Godly PlayIllustrated Children's Ministry, and What's in the Bible Curriculum, we gather together to hear God's story in a multi-sensory and imaginative way. We take time to ponder the story. We respond with art, play, and activity.

    During the summer months, children 4+ remain in the worship service to give our nursery workers a break. Children's stories are interwoven into the service and play packs are available. We welcome the noise that inevitably comes from having our kids worship with us. 

    Throughout the year, all children 2 years and up remain in the service on the first Sunday of each month for our All Ages Worship Service (see below). 

  • Blossoms Worship

    Blossoms (2-4 years old): Drop-off before service begins

    We begin introducing our toddlers to the rhythms of worship. They begin with play time, then we gather around the worship table to hear God's story with imagination and wonder. 

    Each Sunday, the children pass around the (battery operated) candle and say, "God is with us." They also take turns holding the Bible close to their hearts and saying, "God loves to speak to us." After story time, the children enjoy a snack and give thanks together.

    Throughout the year, all children 2 years and up remain in the service on the first Sunday of each month for our All Ages Worship Service (see below)

  • Seedlings Nursery

    Seedlings (newborns to 2 years old): Drop-off before service begins

    Our nursery caregiver, Kira, has been with our church community for over 12 years! She and other volunteers provide a safe and nurturing place for out littlest ones to play.

  • all ages worship

    On the first Sunday of each month, children 3 years and up join the main worship service. We start our time together with a intergenerational potluck breakfast (no need to bring anything if you are visiting as a guest) and then we move into the sanctuary for a shortened worship service. In place of a sermon, we read and discuss a story that engages both children and adults. 

Youth Ministry

The youth join the adults for the worship service at 10:15AM, then gather on the 1st and 3rd Sundays after the service, starting with lunch together (from about noon to 2:30pm).

We also gather for occasional fun outings and off-campus activities.

Mission Statement:

LOV Youth and Family Ministries supports teens as they engage in God's presence, are rooted in spiritual practices, grow in understanding Scripture, theology, and culture, and offer their gifts to their family, church, and the world.

We aim to:

  1. Support Teens. Our youth team meets regularly outside of church time to cultivate mentoring relationships and develop connections between the teens, 
  2. Support Families. We encourage family involvement at every step of the way. Parents are the primary disciple-makers of their children, and we partner with them. Likewise, we invite parents to be our allies and partners for our ministry to the youth.
  3. Engage in God's Presence. Faith isn't so much about what you know; It's about who you know. In all we do, we aim for our teens to encounter Jesus. 
  4. Root Ourselves in Spiritual Practices. The rhythms and practices of meeting with God are introduced and experimented with. Our hope is to equip our teens with tools and practices they'll need for a life-long journey with Jesus and a vibrant relationship with the Lord.
  5. Grow in Understanding Scripture, Theology, and Culture. Today's world is complex for our teens. We thoughtfully engage cultural, everyday issues for them. Being grounded in truth enables them to face the specific challenges they face. We read the Bible together. And yes, it's possible for teens to do theology!
  6. Offer our gifts to our families, the church, and the world. When God created us, he made us in his image. There is a unique way each one of us reflect the glory of the living and loving God into this world. We help our teens find their giftedness and the unique way they bear God's image, then support them as they offer these gifts to those around them.