Our Ministries

Below are some of the particular spaces and ministries of our church. If you'd like to reach out to a specific ministry leader listed below, contact [email protected] and one of our co-pastors can connect you with the right person.

House Churches

These groups meet once or twice a month to share life and pray together. Contact any of the co-pastors for information.

Discipleship Groups

You may hear these groups called "Triads" or "Grow Groups." Both group formats consist of 3-5 people who meet regularly (some weekly, some every other week) to tend to Christ's presence in our lives and to seek God's guidance for our lives together. Reach out to Pam Sutherland if you're interested!

Children's Ministry

Learn more here

Youth and Family Ministry

Learn more here

Communal Liturgists Team

A team of liturgists lead us in prayer each Sunday, using historic prayers and creeds, as well as penning newly crafted prayers for today. About once a year, we train new liturgists. Talk to Eric Bangeman if you're curious, and find out more about our worship here.

Prayer and Intercession Team

Each Sunday during the Eucharist, a prayer minister at the "prayer bench" offers intercessory prayer for anyone seeking prayer.

Integration Team

Visiting a church for the first time can be intimidating. This team works together to consider how our church can be an inviting space for those who are new or returning to our community. The team plans monthly Community Events and makes an extra effort at getting to know those who are seeking deeper community in our congregation.

Music and Art

Musicians help lead us in musical worship each Sunday.

Art has been an important component of our communal worship as well, giving us imagination to see the presence of God in this world, bringing New Creation. 

Contact Tim Pflug, our Resident Artist and Director of Music.

Open Table Food Ministry

Every Monday at 10am, our church receives food donations from nearby grocery stores such as Trader Joe's, Jewel, and Whole Foods. All are welcome to come partake of the abundance.

Mission Team

Our Mission Team researches and proposes opportunities for service in our community. They meet regularly to consider the needs of neighbors who are poor, marginalized, or under-resourced. They bring these needs to the attention of the congregation and offer opportunities for our church body to volunteer and serve within the community.

Benevolence Fund

A special fund designated for those among us who are in need of some financial support and discernment.


Dina Lindemann, [email protected]

Administrative Support

Jill Carlson, [email protected]

Property and Grounds Management

Jeff Calhoun, [email protected]